
Star Stuff

We are made of star stuff, and we are of the stars.


star stuff

At a glance, the vast ocean of emptiness that embodies the Universe appears to be without the functional intention of design.  However, there are systematic chemical fusions and mathematical intelligence found in elements and their atoms, that reflect grace, beauty and purpose.  Through  independent unifications of simplistic conceptualizations, this distinctive creativity permeates all matter, allowing the elements to fuse and create new compositions throughout the Universe.  The substance that gives birth (through The “Big Bang”) to this intelligent design expresses itself within a creative theory of Oneness of Everything.  This Oneness operates in a state of supreme conscious awareness that functions on independent layers through a conscious intelligence.  The Universe is designed to fulfill all needs of existence.  The Intelligent Designer of Universal Truths responds in action/reaction to necessities of life.

The smallest particles of matter in the Universe are atoms.  All elements are made up of atoms, and created in the Universe.  Elements are vital for human existence.  Atoms have protons and neutrons that bond through strong electrical interaction within the nucleus.  Electrons, holding an opposing charge, orbit the nucleus, without bonding directly to it.  Atoms are the building blocks of matter/mass. Energy and mass fill the Universe.  The total energy contained in an object is identified by its mass.  Energy, like mass, cannot be created or destroyed.  Cells are made of molecules and molecules are made of atoms of different elements, such as hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and calcium, to name a few.

Oxygen is the source and supporter of all life.  Without oxygen, life would cease to exist.  By combining oxygen with hydrogen, water is created which is a vital source of life sustenance.  Nitrogen is a constituent element of amino acids, proteins, and nucleic acid, DNA/RNA.  It resides in the chemical structure of neurotransmitters.  Our bodies depend on Calcium, with 99% in bones, and teeth, while soft tissues hold a lesser degree of it. It is vital for human existence since it provides structural support.  Carbon is the building block of the body.  It has the greatest capacity to bond non-metallic elements.  Thereby, it traps vital minerals in our bodies.  There are many billions of carbon atoms that make up life, and the human body is made up of them and is constantly depending and interacting with many more of them.  They are important to hold material and non-material substance in its essential forms.  Without atoms, there can be no structure.

We breathe atoms.  We consume atoms in our food.  We drink them in liquids.  We are able to see when atoms and photons within the eye meet.  A touch is created when atoms in the skin repel other atoms/objects.  We are a collection of atoms, the Universe is a collection of the same atoms.  We were born in the creativity of The Intelligent Designer’s heart, in the loving mist of organic consciousness and blessed with unlimited resources and opportunities.  We are made of star stuff, and we are of the stars.




